Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas!!

Or Joyeux Noel, rather! I am here in the big city of Atakpame being wowed by the all the tall buildings, and the awesome ability to buy bread (I think not having regular access to bread in my village may be the most difficult thing so far. If anyone truly knows me, you know I love sandwiches) But I will survive (frustration number 2: Being unable to find the apotrophe on these dang french keyboards).

It is interesting how your emotions all seem to be multiplied by ten here. If you are having a crappy day, it is really depressing, like an episode when I was unable to conquer my simple stove. But the good days are amazing!! I have taught my name to a few kids in village,who are adorable, and to hear me called out to correctly really lifts my spirits. (Before, I was Laura, or Sarah or Ally, all past volunteers in my village) Today I watched a few episodes of The West Wing at the Peace Corps house here in the city and found myself getting choked up in a few parts. But in my defense, that show is really powerful.

Overall though my village is still great. People are nice and I joined the village soccer team. Every night I go out and wow them with my thrilling fundamentals of the game. I am like the token white sharp shooter every basketball team should have. I usually do not influence the game a ton but every once awhile I come up with a huge play!

My language skills are slowly improving, so that is a definite plus. My neighbors are incredibly niceand helpful with that. I have also found that an early morning motocycle ride across the African planes with the wind inyour face can be quite the awe-inspiring experience (For the record PC i was wearing my helmet but flipped up the plastic shield to feel the breeze).

That is all for now. And one more thing. CALL ME!!!

My number is:

011 228 986 1984

Or if you have international texting capabilities, text me!!! I would love it.

And thank you to all who have commented on the blog. It really brightens my day. You have no idea. Hopefully soon I will have a cool story about out-running a hippopotamus or something.

Merry Christmas! Go Ducks! Go Blazers! And Bah-Humbug to those Grizzlies!


Anonymous said...

It was so great to read about your days in Africa. I'm sure they all love you there. Looking forward to talking with you on Christmas morn.
Love Mom

Anonymous said...

Dude... I'm sorry about the Griz. In their defense... Richmond looked very good and Montana had a few costly turn overs. Plus Richmond had a couple of former D-1 players on their team that looked NFL like.

Seattle and the Pacific northwest misses you dearly. Snow has accumulated in Seattle. 16 inches over the last couple of days. Wierd... I'm not making any trips to Portland anymore because you and Andy moved away...

See you brother. And Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...


A Merry Christmas to you. I'm sending this on your dad's computer. Well our White Christmas is starting to melt. "I'm melting!" But it's about as close as it gets. Anyway, tropical clime sounds really good right now. Hope to talk to you tomorrow. Take care.


Anonymous said...

Merry xmas, my brothers and I are going to try to give you a call in a minute, but if it doesn't work this posting will have to do.

The Blazers have been pretty sweet lately, B-Roy just dropped 52 on Phoenix, which was awesome. I might be going to the Holiday Bowl. The Duckies have been looking good lately, it looks like we're going to be in good shape next year.

Alex and Evan and I are taking up fly fishing, we'll have to go when you get back and you can show off your skills. I'm assuming we'll be pros by then.

Anyways, hope things are good, we'll try to get this call worked out.


katy said...

I am so glad you are doing well and having fun! It sounds like this is such an amazing, life altering experience for you. I love checking in to see how things are going for you! Merry, Merry Christmas Grant! Love, Katy, Ryan, Ava and Ila

PDXEagle said...

No luck on the call so this posted "Merry Christmas" is going to have to do. We miss you man!


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Grantie!

We all miss you and the fact that you won't be in Portland for Christmas, reading the lastest good novel and watching sports. But life can offer a 'higher calling' and I am so proud to tell folks my nephew is in the Peace Corps in Africa.

As for losing twenty lbs, screw Weight-Watchers---I'm signing up for the peace corp.

Love you, Auntie Pam

PS, (We reached our goal of selling 188 Malaria Nets at St. Andrews Episcopal, here on the corner of 12th & Jackson, Tacoma, WA)

Anonymous said...

Hi Grantie,
Christmas just wasn't the same without your "sex offender" sweater. We tried to call you yesterday too, you must have been out of cell area. We miss you buddy, hope all is well. Can't wait to hear more about your great adventures.
Love, sissy

Anonymous said...

Hey Grant! I'm so glad you have this blog. I wonder about you from time to time and am so happy to hear that you are doing well. I can't believe you are losing weight. You don't have much to lose to begin with. Things are well here. Maggie was down for Thanksgiving and it was wonderful. School is going well. Take care of yourself! You rock for doing what you are doing!

Unknown said...

Grant... Although it is way late, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We miss you.
Bill and Betsy

Anonymous said...

I was informed JUST last night at TDS of your blog. I was being placated after declaring my unconditional love and the gaping hole your absence has left, which promptly led to me bursting into tears (okay, I might be exaggerating little, but not much). We all miss you a ton...it's just not the same without you. Your letter does, in fact, hang on the wall of the taco shop. I'll have you know the cougar clientele has noticeably declined with your absence.

I hope you are doing well and that you've adjusted to Togo living...I can't think of a better person to represent the US.

Take care, and happy (late) holidays!!


Cathy said...
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Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Grant. This is the year of the ox, an idea to germinate for the coming Halloween costume decision. Glad to hear you're feeling better and the cook stove is operating. Practice those regional recipes, so you can cook something weird and exciting to bring to our family dinners. Love the batik fabric used in the clothes. Snow days were beautiful, but inconvenient for holiday gatherings. Stay well. Love, Auntie Cathy