Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas!!

Or Joyeux Noel, rather! I am here in the big city of Atakpame being wowed by the all the tall buildings, and the awesome ability to buy bread (I think not having regular access to bread in my village may be the most difficult thing so far. If anyone truly knows me, you know I love sandwiches) But I will survive (frustration number 2: Being unable to find the apotrophe on these dang french keyboards).

It is interesting how your emotions all seem to be multiplied by ten here. If you are having a crappy day, it is really depressing, like an episode when I was unable to conquer my simple stove. But the good days are amazing!! I have taught my name to a few kids in village,who are adorable, and to hear me called out to correctly really lifts my spirits. (Before, I was Laura, or Sarah or Ally, all past volunteers in my village) Today I watched a few episodes of The West Wing at the Peace Corps house here in the city and found myself getting choked up in a few parts. But in my defense, that show is really powerful.

Overall though my village is still great. People are nice and I joined the village soccer team. Every night I go out and wow them with my thrilling fundamentals of the game. I am like the token white sharp shooter every basketball team should have. I usually do not influence the game a ton but every once awhile I come up with a huge play!

My language skills are slowly improving, so that is a definite plus. My neighbors are incredibly niceand helpful with that. I have also found that an early morning motocycle ride across the African planes with the wind inyour face can be quite the awe-inspiring experience (For the record PC i was wearing my helmet but flipped up the plastic shield to feel the breeze).

That is all for now. And one more thing. CALL ME!!!

My number is:

011 228 986 1984

Or if you have international texting capabilities, text me!!! I would love it.

And thank you to all who have commented on the blog. It really brightens my day. You have no idea. Hopefully soon I will have a cool story about out-running a hippopotamus or something.

Merry Christmas! Go Ducks! Go Blazers! And Bah-Humbug to those Grizzlies!

Friday, December 5, 2008


Im an official Peace Corps Volunteer as of December 4th. Here are some pictures (I've lost twenty pounds. Do I look thinner?):
All the NRM volunteers swearing in.
My closest neighbors during my two years of service

My host Mama and I

The front of my new home for the next two years

The NRM guys

Afrikiko Bar, where we all hung out during training.
I have been in Lome, the capital, for a few days buying supplies for post. I bought a big African drum and two bottles of Southern Comfort. I think I'm good to go.
Hopefully more pictures to come around christmas time of my village. That is all for now. I've got more to do before leaving for my village tomorrow.