Friday, August 1, 2008


So you might be wondering...

Grant, did you get to choose where you went?
Well, yes and no. I preferred Africa or Asia, (which doesn't really narrow it down much), and I have a background in French. That, and apparently the fact that French speaking males are somewhat of a rarity in P.C., landed me a nomination for West Africa, a region that primarily speaks French, though I will have to learn my local tribal language as well, depending on where I live in Togo. I also seemed to have fortunate timing during my application process. I have heard people taking two years to get into P.C., but I got the whole process done in about four months and nabbed one of the last spots in my program.

Do they pay you in P.C?
They give me a "modest living allowance" to live at the level of others in my village. I hear it's enough for the necessities and some extra for fun and travel.

What will you miss the most while in Africa?
I can't think of any one thing, but I will miss those moments when you really connect among friends and family; they are hard to describe, but they make you feel good, like you're secure in your place and you are a part of something special (I guess you could call it my "comfort zone.") Hopefully, I can create those moments in Africa in time.

So, are you going to, like, get AIDS, or something?
No, I will not get AIDS, I will take the necessary precautions. I might get a case of malaria, though, possibly avain flu, yellow fever, hepatitis A, or something called schistosomiasis. But P.C. has a crack team of doctors on hand. My health and safety is their number one concern.

Be honest, Grant, are you going to die?
Absolutely not. Don't worry about me. It's going to be a fantastic experience.

Grant, I miss you already! When do you get back?
December 2010. I'll be gone for 27 months, please come visit me.

You must be so nervous/excited!
Yes, I am nervous, but it's a good kind of nervous, like the kind of nerves you get when kissing a beautiful women for the first time. And, yes, extremely excited, too.

But what are you really excited about? Like, the stuff you don't want to tell the Peace Corps about?
Well....okay, I'm totally pumped to own a machete so I can go swinging it through the jungle. I've always thought it would be really cool to ride a camel (or elephant), though I doubt there will be any in Togo. I want to go fishing for Tigerfish. I'd really like to gain duel citizenship and earn a spot on Togo's World Cup roster. I want to give a cobra the "kiss of death," fall in love with a women who doesn't speak my language, and instill a love, in my Togolese neighbors, for classic American music, notably Talking Heads, The Boss, The Beach Boys and James Brown (But if they could learn to appreciate the quiet genius of Huey Lewis & the News, then I know I will have made a difference).

Grant, what if the Cubs win the World Series when you're gone?
Ha, your joking right? Besides, you can't talk about it, or you might jinx them. So quiet down.

Haha Grant you're so witty and adorable, will you marry me?
Apparently I am going to get many marriage proposals while living in Togo, so I'm going to have to weigh my options once I'm there.

Any other questions? Just ask.


katy said... completely crack me up! I am so excited for you to do this and I love your blog! I will definitely be checking in on you to see how it's going! Congrats and have fun! Cheers! Your cousin, Katy

MaggieThu said...

Yes, its best not to speak of the Cubs because you know the Brewers will make a late surge and clinch the NL Central. Its okay to be upset and not want to talk about it. I will contact you somehow at playoff time.