Thursday, July 31, 2008

Hello All

Welcome! I've never done of these before, but I'm assuming it's going to be amazing.

As you may know, or not know, I have joined the Peace Corps. I will be serving in Togo, West Africa beginning September 20th, 2008. First off, I would just like to thank everyone for being so supportive of my decision. It was a difficult one. I have never been so excited to do anything in my life. But with my excitement, come nerves. Not nerves about living in a developing country without elctricity or running water, but mostly about missing all my friends and family back home.

I have no doubt there will be times I lie awake at night under the clear Togo sky and yearn to be floating down the Bitterroot River in an innertube with a frosty Cold Smoke resting on my pale belly, or lounging in my parent's backyard eating my dad's famous BBQ chicken. But hopefully, the tough times will be over-shadowed by the great experiences had and the new friends made.

Please, let's enjoy the rest of summer together. And if you're around Portland, let's grab a beer before I go. (If you pay, I might bring you back something special)

I can't promise that once I am involved in my service, I will be able to update this blog very frequently (I hope at least once a month, maybe more). So don't freak out if I haven't written in awhile, mom, I'm probably not dead.

(And, yes, the title of my blog is a reference to the late 70's early 80's new-wave-art-funk quartet, Talking Heads..... oh how David Byrne's soothing vocals will keep me happy during many a tough times in Togo)

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Hello nephew! You've made us all reach for the atlas and google Togo so we can keep up with your new Peace Corps work. I'm really proud of your acceptance into the Peace Corps, and the work you've signed on to undertake. What a memorable adventure into the unknown lies ahead for you. I know you'll be an asset to the community, and will be loved by many new friends. I cheered when I read about Togo's first Olympic medal winner - Benjamin Boukpeti - in the kayak race. Go Grant!