Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Finale (in pictures)

Me with some friends in Waragni, the village of my volunteer friend Jocelyn, who left Togo in September

These next few photos are from my trip to the Tamberma Valley in Northern Togo. The people in this region have been making large mud huts for centuries, partly for protection from enemies and to keep livestock and grain stored safely. This is the only UNESCO World Heritage Site in Togo. It was pretty fascinating and a volunteer friend of mine actually lives in this village. I was jealous of her.

The next section is of the children around my village Kamina. They usually put a large smile on my face. They kept me going strong for two years, they are some of the most memorable people of my entire service. You may notice a few familiar faces among all the children. I had my favorites, and I took countless photos of them. (Above: Isabelle)

Adilene, Isabelle, Celestine

Abra and Abravi (twins)



The next photos are from my goodbye party my village threw me. Above, a friend makes a musical instrument. They shook these during my party. Yes, I was forced to dance. And yes, I did own the dance floor.

Traditional African garb. I had to hold the horse tails in that exact manner in every photo or else they would yell at me.

Note the gold shoes. Reserved usually for chiefs. I guess I'm kind of a big deal.

Beer me! Three kinds of alcohol were put in front of me. I couldn't be rude and say no.

Unfortunately I had to give all the cool beads back after the party

My landlord on my right and some of his family

My best friends Marie and Matthias, the couple with whom I ate all my meals. Unforgettable people.

My second to last night in village. My last meal with my village work counterpart Felix.

Felix and I enjoy some fufu witrh sesame sauce. (Comment from my father: "You wear that shirt in every photo. Buy a new shirt already." It's true. But my favorite shirt got me through a lot of tough times in Togo)

My last night in village. Some friends bought me a traditional African boo-boo...with matching cap.

Just after my last meal with my best friends. Marie wore here nice church outfit all day, to commemorate my departure.

My bags are packed, I'm ready to go.

Goodbye cruel road to my village. I curse you now, but will remember you only with fond memories. And it was only fitting that my car would get stuck in the mud, forcing us to get out and push, on my very last trip out of Kamina.

I left the same week the newest volunteers swore in. So everyone came down to the capital for the party. These are some (but not all) of my best friends in Togo. Chrissy, Kate, James and Jarrett. The two years were made easier with all of them to lean on. Thank you friends.

I've arrived in America! Kind of. I'm going through customs at JFK airport. I flew with my friend Betsy who ended her service the same day as me. Don't we look adorable and totally ready to blend back in to American society?

Friday, November 19, 2010

I'm Out

The papers have been signed. My debriefing is complete. I am no longer a Peace Corps volunteer. I go to the airport tonight. I'm leaving Togo.

When I arrive in Portland I will write a lengthier post about my departure that includes a lot of photos. Now I don't have the energy or a fast internet connection. I'm tired.

See you all real soon!